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Kaarem Pop-Up at Antique Street

Events – December 2014


Antique Street presents a unique opportunity to shop clothes by KAAREM from July 5th to August 3rd.

Join us on the opening night on July 5th from 7PM to 9PM.

Antique Street (2nd Floor)
38 Lê Công Kiều
Nguyễn Thái Bình Ward
District 1

Pop-Up Info:
Open Daily
Hours: 10AM - 5PM
Tel: +84 8 38216282

About Antique Street:
Antique Street is an open-source project space located on Le Cong Kieu Street, a street specializing in the antique trade in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. Antique Street is inspired by the dynamics of Le Cong Kieu, a street filled with contradictions. Here we find real and fake, hand-made and factory-made, new and old, cheap and priceless, living side by side, the difference between them often unclear. Experiencing this street one feels the weight of history, while at the same time realizing that history can be rewritten at any time.