A photography series by Kim Tố Lan Nguyễn. Shot in Đà Lạt, Việt Nam.
Cù Rú chừng nào mới xong | It should come soon
Mấy ngày hè trên cao nguyên, mặt trời lên nhanh và nắng cứ thế đổ thẳng xuống đầu. Cù Rú mà làm xong thì trong cũng như ngoài, có nhiều cây hoa lá cho mát mắt ha!

Be free. We are creatures in an artificial habitat like a biosphere but a biosphere made of brick and concrete. Traveling as the crow flies but constricted and limited and told you can only walk here. And more than that we have come to believe that your worth depends on what you do, what you produce. We are reduced. To our possessions and this obsession engenders shame and fear. So, in this artificial world the act of Being is an intentional act. Be. Be free.

Kim Tố Lan Nguyễn
Uyen Nguyen-Cwinn
English Writing
Eli Cwinn
Vietnamese Writing
Tố Lan
Cù Rú